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soulgasm: a tantric experience

2 Hour Experience ($288)

A transformative experience for couples looking to explore deeper pleasure and intimacy. 


Combining the principles of Tantra with the power of breathwork, Olivia guides you to explore energetic and spiritual sensuality. During a session, you are invited on an inner journey through breath, sound, energy and music that cultivates a state of deep surrender in your body and mind.


Couples typically experience a sense of expansion and heightened awareness which is often accompanied by feelings of ecstasy, bliss, and a deep sense of connection. Through this expanded state of consciousness, you are better able to tap into your intuition and inner wisdom which allows you and your partner to identify and move towards your deepest desires. After the experience you will be left feeling open, lighter and empowered by the healing power of your sexual energy.


Online or in person in Miami

lovers touch

2 Tantric Massages + Integration Call ($688)

Up to 2 hours x session

Indulge in the sublime art of self-discovery and heightened sensory awareness with your partner as you learn the art of Tantric Massage. 

Olivia will guide you in this unique and personalized experience designed to harmonize the mind, body, and spirit. 


You and your partner will experience the power of intentional touch and learn how to surrender to your body during this sacred penis and pussy massage. You will also learn how to safely communicate desires and boundaries bringing you and your partner closer.


*Note Olivia does not physically touch you during these date nights. However she will instruct you, hold safe and sacred space and offer energy healing during the session


Up to 2 hours x session all online or hybrid online + in person Miami.

Intimacy expansion

6 Date Nights + 2 Solo Sessions ($2,495)

Up to 2 hours x session

Lovers who are looking to experience multi-dimensional, juicy, mind-blowing energetic pleasure this bundle is for you. You will be guided through 6 partnered date nights along with a solo sessions for each partner. Positive energetic shifts will not only be felt in the relationship but outside as well. 


Date Night Agenda

  1. Soulgasm Experience: expanding the soulmate connection, 5D sex & past life remembrance, sex magic breathwork

  2. Primal Play - awaken your body's capacity of pleasure as you tap into your primal instincts

  3. Sexual Archetypes - a subconscious exploration of you as a lover, what your partner desires from you as a lover and who you want to be most as a lover 

  4. Sparking Creative Intimacy - exploring levels of intimacy through consciousness and the energetic body 

  5. Massage for Him - penis gazing/channeling, exploring intentional touch, orgasmic power from a specific chakra

  6. Massage for Her - yoni gazing/channeling, exploring intentional touch, orgasmic power from a specific chakra

  7. Solo Session w/ Partner as Witness: Theta healing + belief system reprogramming around intimacy, pleasure or sex

  8. Solo Session w/ Partner as Witness: Theta healing + belief system reprogramming around intimacy, pleasure or sex


Up to 2 hours x session all online or hybrid online + in person Miami.

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